Ferdinando Bosco, from our partner ENG is the technical coordinator of DAFNE+ project. In this interview he explains how DAFNE+ Platform can ensure fair content creation and distribution. For him one of the key aspects of blockchain technology and NFTs in particular is that they “can be a game changer for the creative industry and for the digital artists”. This is because, in Bosco’s opinion, it helps “ensure the ownership of the content and the transparency for the creator”. In this sense, one of the key aspects of DAFNE+ platform, is that it covers the entire value chain of the content creation and distribution of artistic creations.

In this interview, Ferdinando Bosco also talks about what technical challenges the project has needed to adress. One of the hardest, “was to provide all these technical features implemented using blochain and link them in a unique workflow”, says Bosco.

Anyhow, all this challenges have been addressed by having an iterative approach abut also having in mind the feedback of the users constantly.

Bosco also tells about how has the migration to amoy testnet been and what consequences can this have in the future if something like this happens again. In his opinion, “we had a very good approach because we had a very fast release and we provided creators a one-click way to migrate their contents already created”.

Watch the full interview to learn more about DAFNE+ Platform new version release.