DAFNE+ in the Blockchain & NFT Partner Symposium
This week two of DAFNE+ partners celebrated the "Blockchain & NFT Partner Symposium". The School of Digital Arts from Manchester Metropolitan University (SODA) and the Institute of Advanced Arquitecture of Catalonia (IAAC) joined with FAB Lab BCN were in charge of organizing a two hour webinar in which to exchange impressions on a very exciting topic for the artistic and creative sector which is blockchain technology, DAOs and NFTs. Three topics that are bringing challenges to artists and designers amongst other creatives.
During the online event, that took place through DAFNE+ Discord channel, the project members had the chance to explain the DAFNE+ project as a whole. The technical partners explained to the attendants how the platform worked but also we had the opportunity to learn about licenses in the NFT space and what challenges need to be addressed.
Also, we could hear from some artistic entrepreneurships that were dealing with this new space and context. Very enriching conversations and insights were shared during this meeting.
Our Newletter is out!
Another edition of our newletter has just come out of the oven. If you are interested in learning how the project is progressing this piece of content is a really good way to be aware of the state of things.
Every semester we send a new one and this one counts its 4th edition already. Reading it we acknowledge that DAFNE+ platform has also a new edition. After a long period of trials and hard work some updates have been made to the platform and the tools included in it.
Hoping to offer a better version for our community of artists, designers, and musicians. Although it hasn't been easy due to the migration to Amoy testnet since the deprecation of Mumbai, we have managed to achieve this task.
Amongst these changes and updates, we can also watch an interview made to Iago Fernández-Cedrón, leader of the project from UPM.
In our newsletters we always introduce some educational content. This time we learn about smart contracts and it's utility in this new space.
So, remember if you want to be up to date with DAFNE+ project sign up here for the next one that will be due in December.
Creation of our Instagram account
In order to atract and attend the demands of our most beloved visual artists and creators we have signed up for an Instagram account. DAFNE+ will have now presence in this social network which enables creatives to show their work and build a community around their art. Hoping to be part of that community and create one of our own DAFNE+ project will be posting interesting content about fair creative content distribution and stories on how to empower creators and communities through new digital distribution models based on digital tokens.
Also we will continue with our divulgative posts about Web3, blockchain and NFTs to help new members of the space learn about it.
Follow us clicking here: https://www.instagram.com/dafneplus_/ or look for us @dafneplus_
IRCAM Forum celebrates an online webinar to explain how DAFNE+ platform works
The project continues to bring up opportunities for the community of users of the platform to grow. This was what happened with the online webinar celebrated by our partner IRCAM Forum last week. The online event gathered a group of artists and musicians interested in the possibilities of blockchain technology and DAFNE+ Platform.
The webinar was hosted by the artist and Product Manager of Ircam Forum, Greg Beller. He was the one to explain how the platform works and how the future users will be able to mint their contents using it. During the event the audience learnt how to create a wallet, how to resiter into DAFNE+ Platform and how to mint content.
As this technology is so new a lot of educational work needs to be done within communities of artists. This is also why the session was recorded, so that the attendants could access the webinar again.
Watch the session.
Migration to Amoy testnet in DAFNE+ Platform due to the deprecation of Mumbai
Such things happen and, sometimes, a quick response is the better option. Due to the deprecation of Mumbai testnet from Polygon, DAFNE+ platform has been obliged to migrate to Amoy testnet network, to be able to continue to work. For this reason, from now on the platform will operate in this other network.
The technical reason for this is that Mumbai testnet for Polygon PoS uses Ethereum’s Goerli testnet as its root chain. This means Mumbai counts on Goerli for block production. But, since Goerli is currently scheduled for deprecation, by the end of the first quarter of 2024, this change needed to be made as Mumbai will cease to operate too.
Our technician partners have been working hard on this matter so that none of our current users have any problems with this issue. The NFTs that had been created up to this point in time will need to be migrated aswell.
As a matter of fact this is being done already and no major issues have come up to this point. This is why in DAFNE+ project we are confident that this matter will be resolved soon enough.
This means also that we will start working on a new platform tutorial to show our future users how to configurate their wallet onto Amoy Testnet. In the meantime if you have any inquiries you can contact us here.
IRCAM Forum's 30th Anniversary
2024 is going to be a great and important year for one of DAFNE+ partners, IRCAM. This prestigious institution is celebrating it's 30th anniversary with an interesting variety of workshops and roundatbles showcasing the evolution of sound desing and music production along the last three decades.
During this event, celebrated from the 19th to the 22nd of March, experts and researchers will be explaining and showing how advancements have been incorporated to the industry but also what challenges faces nowadays.
As for DAFNE+ it has been an excellent opportunity to show the development of the project and the platform.
The programme of the Ateliers Forum 2024 has been very complete.
DAFNE+ 5th Plenary Meeting in Palermo
The historic and beautiful Sicilian city of Palermo was home for the last General Meeting of DAFNE+. An interesting venue where the partners exchanged impressions on the recent developments of the project.
One of the first subjects addressed was the inputs of the reviewers of the project. Interesting insights that will be introduced and implemented within the following months.
The next stage of the project will face several challenges but the partners feel fit for the task.
In this sense, we also had a very interesting discussion around DAOs and how to accomplish it for DAFNE+. Another big issue that was analysed was how to collect and measure our users feedback and through what channels. We also talked about the platform and our next events in our agenda, like the one we have scheduled in March with IRCAM.
Interview with Iago Fernández-Cedrón, Project Manager of DAFNE+
DAFNE+ is indeed an innovative project that seeks to help creatives understand and dive into new technologies such as blockchain, Web 3 and NFTs. With this main purpose, the project looks to make content distribution fair.
In this interview, DAFNE+ project manager, Iago Fernández-Cedrón, from UPM, helps us understand the main objectives of this European research project. As he explains carefully, DAFNE+ is thought "to help and foster the efforts to monetize and make new business models for the creators in these industries".
DAFNE+ "brings the possibility to cocreate the NFTS and distribute the tokens and the royalties in a fair and transparent way for those users that want to work with us", he adds. Also he talks about the possibilities that new decentralized models of organization can bring to the creative space. "We empower those communities with the DAO that we are building to allow them to decide on how these new business models work on their creations", he confirms.
Watch the whole interview to know more about DAFNE+ Project.
Interview with Hugues Vinet, IRCAM explaining Use Case 2
IRCAM is a French institution founded un 1977 by French composer, pedagogue and orchestra conductor Pierre Boulez. Its purpose was the research and study of acoustic and music.
"Boulez had a vision that the future of contemporary music would go through science and technology", says Hugues Vinet, from IRCAM, in this interview. "He had this idea of puting together on one side scientists, engineers, and in the other side musicians that would work together to renuew the musical expression", he adds.
Nowadays they have a lab where they produce technology and research in this innovative field. But this is not only for internal purposes but also for external users. That is why they founded IRCAM Forum, that has already 60.000 users worldwide.
At this point, IRCAM's researchers wanted to go further and planned to use "NFT and blockchain technology, using software and creation tools", Vinet explains, and is one of the reasons they are part of DAFNE+ project. In this interview Hugues Vinet gets to explain some of the aspects of this collaboration.
DAFNE+ Platform presented during the Creative Jam
After the platform's launch last month, DAFNE+ project needs to be tested by their potential users. Artists, musicians, designers, and many other content creators are called to use and test the platform and give feedback.
All of those potential users that will be interested in the platforms proposal to ensure a fair content creation and distribution.
One of the opportunities to do so has come up this week in the event called Creative Jam, co-organised by School of Digital Arts (MMU) and IAAC. Both are DAFNE+ partners and have strong artistic communities that could find the platfom useful.
During the hybrid event the DAFNE+ Platform was exhibited and our technical partners from Engineering and Synelixis, gave a thorough introduction and onboarding session to the attendants.